There are many different techniques within chiropractic. Each however, have the same purpose: to restore movement and improve function.

At Embrace Health Chiropractic we use a gentle, holistic, low force framework of chiropractic care called SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) as well as NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique). In addition to these, we incorporate a variety of other techniques to maximize client outcomes.

Sacro-Occipital Technic

SOT is a comprehensive, gentle and innovative system of Chiropractic developed over the last 100 years. IT is so names to acknowledge the relationship between the sacrum (base of the spine) and the occiput (base of the skull)

SOT sometimes involves the use of blocks placed under the pelvis to gently restore proper function and alignment. Corrections are made as the combined effects of the weight of the body, correct block placement and the mechanics of the patient’s breathing facilitiate stability and balance to the pelvis.

The intricate study and art of cranial procedures (adjustments to the joints of the skull) to influenced the nervous system is central to SOT

Neuro Emotional Technique

NET stands for Neuro Emotional Technique. This technique aims to normalise the physiology of the stress response in the body.

People used to think that stress was felt primarily in their brain. Now we know that other parts of the body can also reflect a stressful reaction.

Have you noticed a headache come on after a stressful day?

Or do you clench your jaw when you’re angry?

Nutrition/Supplemental Support

As part of a holistic health framework of care, we proudly stock a wide range of practitioner only supplements and nutritional support.

We predominantly source Australian made and distributed products including Metagenics.